Interface AsyncMap<K,​V>

  • public interface AsyncMap<K,​V>
    An asynchronous map.

    AsyncMap does not allow null to be used as a key or value.

    Tim Fox
    • Method Detail

      • get

        Future<V> get​(K k)
        Get a value from the map, asynchronously.
        k - the key
        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • put

        Future<Void> put​(K k,
                         V v)
        Put a value in the map, asynchronously.
        k - the key
        v - the value
        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • put

        Future<Void> put​(K k,
                         V v,
                         long ttl)
        Like put(K, V) but specifying a time to live for the entry. Entry will expire and get evicted after the ttl.
        k - the key
        v - the value
        ttl - The time to live (in ms) for the entry
        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • putIfAbsent

        Future<V> putIfAbsent​(K k,
                              V v)
        Put the entry only if there is no entry with the key already present. If key already present then the existing value will be returned to the handler, otherwise null.
        k - the key
        v - the value
        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • putIfAbsent

        Future<V> putIfAbsent​(K k,
                              V v,
                              long ttl)
        Link putIfAbsent(K, V) but specifying a time to live for the entry. Entry will expire and get evicted after the ttl.
        k - the key
        v - the value
        ttl - The time to live (in ms) for the entry
        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • remove

        Future<V> remove​(K k)
        Remove a value from the map, asynchronously.
        k - the key
        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • removeIfPresent

        Future<Boolean> removeIfPresent​(K k,
                                        V v)
        Remove a value from the map, only if entry already exists with same value.
        k - the key
        v - the value
        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • replace

        Future<V> replace​(K k,
                          V v)
        Replace the entry only if it is currently mapped to some value
        k - the key
        v - the new value
        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • replace

        default Future<V> replace​(K k,
                                  V v,
                                  long ttl)
        Replace the entry only if it is currently mapped to some value
        k - the key
        v - the new value
        ttl - The time to live (in ms) for the entry
        a future notified some time later with the previous value
      • replaceIfPresent

        Future<Boolean> replaceIfPresent​(K k,
                                         V oldValue,
                                         V newValue)
        Replace the entry only if it is currently mapped to a specific value
        k - the key
        oldValue - the existing value
        newValue - the new value
        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • replaceIfPresent

        default Future<Boolean> replaceIfPresent​(K k,
                                                 V oldValue,
                                                 V newValue,
                                                 long ttl)
        Replace the entry only if it is currently mapped to a specific value
        k - the key
        oldValue - the existing value
        newValue - the new value
        ttl - The time to live (in ms) for the entry
        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • clear

        Future<Void> clear()
        Clear all entries in the map
        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • size

        Future<Integer> size()
        Provide the number of entries in the map
        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • keys

        Future<Set<K>> keys()
        Get the keys of the map, asynchronously.

        Use this method with care as the map may contain a large number of keys, which may not fit entirely in memory of a single node. In this case, the invocation will result in an OutOfMemoryError.

        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • values

        Future<List<V>> values()
        Get the values of the map, asynchronously.

        Use this method with care as the map may contain a large number of values, which may not fit entirely in memory of a single node. In this case, the invocation will result in an OutOfMemoryError.

        a future notified some time later with the async result.
      • entries

        Future<Map<K,​V>> entries()
        Get the entries of the map, asynchronously.

        Use this method with care as the map may contain a large number of entries, which may not fit entirely in memory of a single node. In this case, the invocation will result in an OutOfMemoryError.

        a future notified some time later with the async result.