Class HttpClientResponse

    • Field Detail

    • Constructor Detail

      • HttpClientResponse

        public HttpClientResponse​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • statusCode

        public int statusCode()
        Specified by:
        statusCode in interface HttpResponseHead
        the status code of the response
      • getHeader

        public String getHeader​(String headerName)
        Return the first header value with the specified name
        Specified by:
        getHeader in interface HttpResponseHead
        headerName - the header name
        the header value
      • pipe

        public Pipe<Buffer> pipe()
        Pause this stream and return a to transfer the elements of this stream to a destination .

        The stream will be resumed when the pipe will be wired to a WriteStream.

        Specified by:
        pipe in interface ReadStream<Buffer>
        a pipe
      • pipeTo

        public Completable pipeTo​(WriteStream<Buffer> dst)
        Pipe this ReadStream to the WriteStream.

        Elements emitted by this stream will be written to the write stream until this stream ends or fails.

        Specified by:
        pipeTo in interface ReadStream<Buffer>
        dst - the destination write stream
        a future notified when the write stream will be ended with the outcome
      • rxPipeTo

        public Completable rxPipeTo​(WriteStream<Buffer> dst)
        Pipe this ReadStream to the WriteStream.

        Elements emitted by this stream will be written to the write stream until this stream ends or fails.

        Specified by:
        rxPipeTo in interface ReadStream<Buffer>
        dst - the destination write stream
        a future notified when the write stream will be ended with the outcome
      • fetch

        public HttpClientResponse fetch​(long amount)
        Description copied from interface: ReadStream
        Fetch the specified amount of elements. If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence with the specified amount of items, otherwise the specified amount will be added to the current stream demand.
        Specified by:
        fetch in interface ReadStream<Buffer>
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • resume

        public HttpClientResponse resume()
        Description copied from interface: ReadStream
        Resume reading, and sets the buffer in flowing mode.

        If the ReadStream has been paused, reading will recommence on it.

        Specified by:
        resume in interface ReadStream<Buffer>
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • pause

        public HttpClientResponse pause()
        Description copied from interface: ReadStream
        Pause the ReadStream, it sets the buffer in fetch mode and clears the actual demand.

        While it's paused, no data will be sent to the data handler.

        Specified by:
        pause in interface ReadStream<Buffer>
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • endHandler

        public HttpClientResponse endHandler​(Handler<Void> endHandler)
        Description copied from interface: ReadStream
        Set an end handler. Once the stream has ended, and there is no more data to be read, this handler will be called.
        Specified by:
        endHandler in interface ReadStream<Buffer>
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • netSocket

        public NetSocket netSocket()
        a NetSocket facade to interact with the HTTP client response.
      • getTrailer

        public String getTrailer​(String trailerName)
        Return the first trailer value with the specified name
        trailerName - the trailer name
        the trailer value
      • trailers

        public MultiMap trailers()
        the trailers
      • bodyHandler

        public HttpClientResponse bodyHandler​(Handler<Buffer> bodyHandler)
        Convenience method for receiving the entire request body in one piece.

        This saves you having to manually set a dataHandler and an endHandler and append the chunks of the body until the whole body received. Don't use this if your request body is large - you could potentially run out of RAM.

        bodyHandler - This handler will be called after all the body has been received
      • body

        public Single<Buffer> body()
        Convenience method for receiving the entire request body in one piece.

        This saves you having to manually set a dataHandler and an endHandler and append the chunks of the body until the whole body received. Don't use this if your request body is large - you could potentially run out of RAM.

        a future completed with the body result
      • rxBody

        public Single<Buffer> rxBody()
        Convenience method for receiving the entire request body in one piece.

        This saves you having to manually set a dataHandler and an endHandler and append the chunks of the body until the whole body received. Don't use this if your request body is large - you could potentially run out of RAM.

        a future completed with the body result
      • end

        public Completable end()
        Returns a future signaling when the response has been fully received successfully or failed.
        a future completed with the body result
      • rxEnd

        public Completable rxEnd()
        Returns a future signaling when the response has been fully received successfully or failed.
        a future completed with the body result
      • customFrameHandler

        public HttpClientResponse customFrameHandler​(Handler<HttpFrame> handler)
        Set an custom frame handler. The handler will get notified when the http stream receives an custom HTTP/2 frame. HTTP/2 permits extension of the protocol.
        handler -
        a reference to this, so the API can be used fluently
      • streamPriorityHandler

        public HttpClientResponse streamPriorityHandler​(Handler<StreamPriority> handler)
        Set an handler for stream priority changes.

        This is not implemented for HTTP/1.x.

        handler - the handler to be called when the stream priority changes
      • getHeader

        public String getHeader​(CharSequence headerName)
        Return the first header value with the specified name
        headerName - the header name
        the header value