Class OpenAPIContract

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class OpenAPIContract
    extends Object
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
    • Field Detail

      • __TYPE_ARG

        public static final io.vertx.lang.rx.TypeArg<OpenAPIContract> __TYPE_ARG
    • Constructor Detail

      • OpenAPIContract

        public OpenAPIContract​(Object delegate)
    • Method Detail

      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDelegate

        public OpenAPIContract getDelegate()
        Specified by:
        getDelegate in interface io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
      • from

        public static Single<OpenAPIContract> from​(Vertx vertx,
                                                   String unresolvedContractPath)
        Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an OpenAPIContract instance.
        vertx - The related Vert.x instance.
        unresolvedContractPath - The path to the unresolved contract.
        A succeeded holding an OpenAPIContract instance, otherwise a failed .
      • rxFrom

        public static Single<OpenAPIContract> rxFrom​(Vertx vertx,
                                                     String unresolvedContractPath)
        Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an OpenAPIContract instance.
        vertx - The related Vert.x instance.
        unresolvedContractPath - The path to the unresolved contract.
        A succeeded holding an OpenAPIContract instance, otherwise a failed .
      • from

        public static Single<OpenAPIContract> from​(Vertx vertx,
                                                   JsonObject unresolvedContract)
        Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an OpenAPIContract instance.
        vertx - The related Vert.x instance.
        unresolvedContract - The unresolved contract.
        A succeeded holding an OpenAPIContract instance, otherwise a failed .
      • rxFrom

        public static Single<OpenAPIContract> rxFrom​(Vertx vertx,
                                                     JsonObject unresolvedContract)
        Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an OpenAPIContract instance.
        vertx - The related Vert.x instance.
        unresolvedContract - The unresolved contract.
        A succeeded holding an OpenAPIContract instance, otherwise a failed .
      • from

        public static Single<OpenAPIContract> from​(Vertx vertx,
                                                   String unresolvedContractPath,
                                                   Map<String,​String> additionalContractFiles)
        Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an OpenAPIContract instance.

        This method can be used in case that the contract is split into several files. These files can be passed in a Map that has the reference as key and the path to the file as value.

        vertx - The related Vert.x instance.
        unresolvedContractPath - The path to the unresolved contract.
        additionalContractFiles - The additional contract files
        A succeeded holding an OpenAPIContract instance, otherwise a failed .
      • rxFrom

        public static Single<OpenAPIContract> rxFrom​(Vertx vertx,
                                                     String unresolvedContractPath,
                                                     Map<String,​String> additionalContractFiles)
        Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an OpenAPIContract instance.

        This method can be used in case that the contract is split into several files. These files can be passed in a Map that has the reference as key and the path to the file as value.

        vertx - The related Vert.x instance.
        unresolvedContractPath - The path to the unresolved contract.
        additionalContractFiles - The additional contract files
        A succeeded holding an OpenAPIContract instance, otherwise a failed .
      • from

        public static Single<OpenAPIContract> from​(Vertx vertx,
                                                   JsonObject unresolvedContract,
                                                   Map<String,​JsonObject> additionalContractFiles)
        Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an OpenAPIContract instance.

        This method can be used in case that the contract is split into several files. These files can be passed in a Map that has the reference as key and the path to the file as value.

        vertx - The related Vert.x instance.
        unresolvedContract - The unresolved contract.
        additionalContractFiles - The additional contract files
        A succeeded holding an OpenAPIContract instance, otherwise a failed .
      • rxFrom

        public static Single<OpenAPIContract> rxFrom​(Vertx vertx,
                                                     JsonObject unresolvedContract,
                                                     Map<String,​JsonObject> additionalContractFiles)
        Resolves / dereferences the passed contract and creates an OpenAPIContract instance.

        This method can be used in case that the contract is split into several files. These files can be passed in a Map that has the reference as key and the path to the file as value.

        vertx - The related Vert.x instance.
        unresolvedContract - The unresolved contract.
        additionalContractFiles - The additional contract files
        A succeeded holding an OpenAPIContract instance, otherwise a failed .
      • operation

        public Operation operation​(String operationId)
        Access to an operation defined in the contract with operationId.
        operationId - the id of the operation.
        the requested operation.
      • operations

        public List<Operation> operations()
        all operations defined in the contract.
      • getPaths

        public List<Path> getPaths()
        all Paths defined in the OpenAPI contract.
      • getRawContract

        public JsonObject getRawContract()
        the resolved OpenAPI contract as .
      • getVersion

        public OpenAPIVersion getVersion()
        the OpenAPI version of the contract.
      • getSchemaRepository

        public SchemaRepository getSchemaRepository()
        the to validate against.
      • getServers

        public List<Server> getServers()
        the servers of the contract.
      • findPath

        public Path findPath​(String urlPath)
        Finds the related Path object based on the passed url path.
        urlPath - The path of the request.
        the found Path object, or null if the passed path doesn't match any Path object.
      • findOperation

        public Operation findOperation​(String urlPath,
                                       HttpMethod method)
        Finds the related Operation object based on the passed url path and method.
        urlPath - The path of the request.
        method - The method of the request.
        the found Operation object, or null if the passed path and method doesn't match any Operation object.
      • getSecurityRequirements

        public List<SecurityRequirement> getSecurityRequirements()
        Returns the applicable list of global security requirements (scopes) or empty list.
        The related security requirement.
      • securityScheme

        public SecurityScheme securityScheme​(String name)
        Gets the related SecurityScheme object based on the passed name.
        name - The name of the security scheme.
        the found SecurityScheme object, or null if the passed path and method doesn't match any Operation object.