Class RequestValidator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RequestValidator
    extends Object
    implements io.vertx.lang.rx.RxDelegate
    The RequestValidator requires the parameters in a specific format to be able to parse and validate them. This is especially true for exploded parameters. The following table shows how the value of a parameter of a request must be stored in a ValidatableRequest object. For these examples the key of those values is always color.

    These are the initial values for each type:
    • primitive (string) -> "blue"
    • array -> ["blue","black","brown"]
    • object -> { "R": 100, "G": 200, "B": 150 }
    For cookie parameters ValidatedRequest.getCookies()
     | style  | explode | empty | primitive | array                              | object                  |
     | form   | false   |       | blue      | blue,black,brown                   | R,100,G,200,B,150       |
     | form   | true    |       | blue      | color=blue&color=black&color=brown | R=100&G=200&B=150       |
    For header parameters ValidatedRequest.getHeaders()
     | style  | explode | empty | primitive | array                              | object                  |
     | simple | false   |       | blue      | blue,black,brown                   | R,100,G,200,B,150       |
     | simple | true    |       | blue      | blue,black,brown                   | R=100,G=200,B=150       |
    For path parameters ValidatedRequest.getPathParameters()
     | style  | explode | empty  | primitive   | array                               | object                   |
     | simple | false   |        | blue        | blue,black,brown                    | R,100,G,200,B,150        |
     | simple | true    |        | blue        | blue,black,brown                    | R=100,G=200,B=150        |
     +--------+---------+--------+------ ------+-------------------------------------+--------------------------+
     | label  | false   | .      | .blue       | .blue,black,brown                   | .R,100,G,200,B,150       |
     | label  | true    | .      | .blue       |                   | .R=100.G=200.B=150       |
     | matrix | false   | ;color | ;color=blue | ;color=blue,black,brown             | ;color=R,100,G,200,B,150 |
     | matrix | true    | ;color | ;color=blue | ;color=blue;color=black;color=brown | ;R=100;G=200;B=150       |
    For query parameters ValidatedRequest.getQuery()
     | style          | explode | empty | primitive | array                              | object                   |
     | form           | false   |       | blue      | blue,black,brown                   | R,100,G,200,B,150        |
     | form           | true    |       | blue      | color=blue&color=black&color=brown | R=100&G=200&B=150        |
     +----------------+---------+-------+------ ----+------------------------------------+--------------------------+
     | spaceDelimited | false   | not yet supported                                                                 /
     +----------------+---------+-------+------ ----+------------------------------------+--------------------------+
     | spaceDelimited | true    | not yet supported                                                                 /
     +----------------+---------+-------+------ ----+------------------------------------+--------------------------+
     | pipeDelimited  | false   | not yet supported                                                                 /
     +----------------+---------+-------+------ ----+------------------------------------+--------------------------+
     | pipeDelimited  | true    | not yet supported                                                                 /
     +----------------+---------+-------+------ ----+------------------------------------+--------------------------+
     | spaceDelimited | true    | not yet supported                                                                 /
     +----------------+---------+-------+------ ----+------------------------------------+--------------------------+

    NOTE: This class has been automatically generated from the original non RX-ified interface using Vert.x codegen.